
Winning the Battle

Monday Morning Mumbling

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day. In honor of that, I will once again say that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Here’s the quote:

“Be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

Ian Maclaren (or possibly Plato)

I actually had to go back to see if I had used this one for MMM before. It’s been a favorite of mine ever since I stumbled across it a few years ago. And it seems especially appropriate now.

It takes so little for us to be kind to one another. Most of the time it’s just saying please or thank you, holding a door for someone, or even just smiling. But how many times do you interact with someone and afterward say, maybe I let my bad mood or stress or tiredness get the better of me there? If you’re like me, it’s more than you would prefer. And then I examine my own life, and the pressure I feel, and how sometimes one kind interaction with someone has made a huge difference for me. And I aspire to do better.

So my resolution to myself this week is just that: to be kind. If you think of it, maybe you will choose to do the same.

And have a great week everybody.

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