
Make Every Effort

Monday Morning Mumbling 4.8.19

Good morning everyone. If you reside in Maryland, then you know this weekend represented a very tragic loss for our state: Maryland Speaker of the House Mike Busch passed away on Sunday. I always like to say that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. In honor of Speaker Busch, this week’s quote is borrowed from him. Here’s the quote:

I’d like to think that when my time is done here, whenever that may be, that we’ve made every effort to make Maryland’s school system the best in the country

Michael E. Busch

First of all, it bears mention that Speaker Busch was extremely well thought of in his home city, county, and state, and was affectionately known as “coach” among his peers in the legislature. Second, he held office as the Speaker for longer than any other person in Maryland state history. So the “aw, shucks” nature of this quote belies just how much he accomplished in his time here.

With that said, what can we take away from it today? On a day of loss, mourning, and remembrance, where do we find our inspiration to carry on his battles, or our own?

For me, there are two key aspects here. First, it is the understanding and the acceptance that we do not get to choose when or how long we serve. “Whenever that may be” for Speaker Busch turned out to be after sixteen years as Speaker, and I am sure he would say two things: it was not enough, and it was hard to keep up during all that time. But he did it anyway, despite not knowing how long he had, and despite being faced with mounting challenges everyday.

Second, he is focused here on the process, and on the people putting it into place. So many times we look for results. He could say: let’s make Maryland the greatest state in the US, or the best on education. But the problems with that are, so many things about that result are out of your control. And how do you measure that success? When do you measure it? If it happens, are you then finished working?

Instead of talking about results and scores, this quote talks about one thing: “make every effort.” That is what I have control over today, and tomorrow, and the next day. That is how you get to the top of the mountain, or become Speaker of the House. Today, and this week, I am challenging myself, inspired by Mike Busch, not to look at the scorecard. I am challenging myself instead to make every effort to succeed, for my clients, for my volunteer work, and for my family. The rest, I trust, will take care of itself.

Have a great week everybody.

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