
Monday Morning Mumbling 10.15.18

Good morning!  If you have been waiting for fall, I think you need wait no more.

Welcome to the new site!  If you have read any past Mumblings, then you know that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.  Here’s the quote:

“After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”

— Warren Buffett

Okay, that’s good for a chuckle.  But what in the world does it mean?

Well let’s start at the beginning.  You are at the beach.  The sun is shining.  People are laughing and enjoying the day.  Everything seems great.  It’s like a period of calm and success at work – no obvious problems.

Then, the tide begins to ebb.  The water level drops.  Suddenly you realize that there are some… well… issues that you weren’t aware of.  And now you are stuck looking at some unfortunate skinny-dippers.

What is the point?  Problems may exist under the surface, even when things seem to be going well.  So don’t just look at results or current status; constantly reexamine your process.  If you are looking for the problems now, you might head off a bigger issue down the line – including seeing something that you can’t unsee.

Have a great and fully-clothed week everybody.

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