
Monday Morning Mumbling 2.26.18

Good morning all,
One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.  So if your day needs changing, let’s give it a try.  Here’s the quote:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
So I can’t just show up and be excellent?  I have to be habitually excellent?  I don’t know – this feels kind of like a downer to me.
Maybe I should treat it as an opportunity.  Maybe I can make my habits better.  Maybe I can become habitually excellent.  Give those emails and opinions and extra once-over before submitting them.  Review that last case before preparing my argument.  Double check the numbers on my payoff before sending it out.  Try to do more than just get off the phone with someone or to answer their question, but to really solve their problem.  Get that status report to a manager a day early so she can be ready for her meeting.
Hmm.  It’s funny.  None of those things seems that remarkable when you look at them independently.  But if you show me someone who is doing all of them, I’ll show you someone who is doing an outstanding job.  Perhaps it is easier to be habitually excellent than to just act excellent once in a while.
Now, to proofread this post…..
Have a great week everybody,

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