
Monday Morning Mumbling 7.9.18

Good morning to you,

Let’s hope that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.  Today’s version has a business angle to it.  Here’s the quote:

“Your brand is what people say about you after you leave the room.”

— Jeff Bezos (Amazon)

That is so interesting. Because when we think about a brand, we think about a product, or a marketing campaign, or a corporate strategy.

But here’s the creator and head of one of the most recognizable and defined brands in the world saying that it’s something much simpler.

So what does this mean for those of us who aren’t CEOs? Who cares what my brand is when I’m in a cubicle?

If I think about brands this way though, it means more than “Just Do It” or the Golden Arches. It means making sure that the way you are perceived matches up with the person you want to be. Is your brand “does the bare minimum” – and if so, do you think it should be? Think about if your brand should be “reliable” or “lazy” or “guy who does blog posts nobody asked for about random quotes.”  Then decide if that is what it should be, or what you want it to be. And if not, figure out how to change it.

Because your brand impacts everything: opportunities, growth, reputation, and more. So if they’re not saying what you want them to when you leave the room, then maybe it is time to overhaul your brand.

Jeff Bezos suggests an army of delivery drones. But maybe start with something a little simpler.

Have a great week everybody.

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